Bragging Is Good For Business

Sharing your achievements is good for business.

It is great for business, actually. I know it can be tough. And I know people don't want to come off as bragging, boisterous, or as that person where people look at them like ‘who she think she is?

The only way you're going to grow in business is to stop caring what other people think, which is not an easy thing to do. 

I know it can be scary to come out here and not share your program or course because it isn’t ready yet or you're not sure if it's perfect, or you wonder what people will say? But I'm telling you, you'll get further faster if you come out here before the cake is completely baked. 

I am a big advocate in shouting all of your wins from the rooftops, and there's a way to do it that doesn't make other people say, “Girl, I am so tired of hearing about this.” 

I would love to say that everybody wants to see you win, but that would be a lie. A lot of people do want to see you win. I'm sure you have great people in your life. However, I know it can be a challenge. And if you've ever had anybody say anything negative to you, or shut down your dream in any way, it becomes that much harder to come out here and share what's going on with you and share all of your wonderful awesomeness. I get it. So here's a couple of things you can do. 

Hide your brag inside of a story. 

People want to know that you've done something that makes you credible.

How are they going to know that if they don't hear from you? Yes, your clients may share. You may have testimonials on your website, but your growth is evolving and getting new awards, and new accolades. So, you've got to be your biggest cheerleader.

It is really tough for women to share because historically, we've been told to be quiet, don't share too much, be ladylike, be humble and all the things that have kept us small - but that time is over!  

For example, if you win an award, hide your brag inside of a story. You could create a post to share your win, but make it about the journey. You can remember back when you were struggling, not sure where your next paycheck was going to come from, and fast forward 10 years later: here you are, winning this great award. Make it about you, but for your audience. Ask them “What has taken YOU ten years to get? What has YOUR journey been like?” and have them share in the comments. 

Share that street cred

Share what training you've done, if there are any courses you've taken, workshops you've attended. Then share what you learned. What did you take away? What are the things you want to bring forward and now share with your clientele and share with your audience? 

Sharing this will help with two things. First, you are building yourself up and continuing to grow, getting new learning, new training, so you can be the best possible you for your people. Second, you're sharing those things with your audience. If it's a course or workshop you took with somebody else, you may be bringing attention to that person's business and supporting their business as well. 

It is important for people to know what new training and expertise you are gaining or have done that makes you qualified to be the one to help them with the problem they have.

Share results you've gotten for others

Let people know the types of results you’ve gotten for others. How are people going to know if you’re the one if you are not sharing what you've done? There's no point in hiding it. This is something you're going to talk to your clients about, talk to the people you've helped. I ask every one of my clients who sign on to any of my programs a very distinct question:

Do you have testimonials? 

Who have you helped? 

Where were they before they worked with you? And after they worked with you? 

What can they now do that they weren't able to do before working with you? 

All very specific types of questions. Right? The answers to these questions show that you were the one to come into wherever they were on that journey and help them. 

When people are sharing accomplishments, depending on where you are mental as a person, if you're really out here cheering for other women, then that excites me, that gives me hope. I'm like, “Wow if she can do it, I can do it.” When people are sharing all of the great stuff that they are doing, it shows other people that it's possible! “If she can do it in the middle of a pandemic, I can do it!” “Oh my gosh, that's such an interesting course that she took, I want to go and friggin take that course.”  Hiding it ain’t gonna help nobody! Showing people the journey, that will help people. People want to be on this journey with us. 

Be your own cheerleader

If you're not going to be your own cheerleader, who's gonna be it? Your mom, probably, maybe a friend or so. But at the end of the day, you have to look at yourself in the mirror, you have to be proud of yourself. If you let yourself down, you know who's gonna know it? You!  

Be your own cheerleader. Come out here. Share your wins, celebrate you. It will help your business thrive. It'll help it grow. It will help other people see you when you are confident and you've got that confidence about who you are and what you deliver. That stuff is contagious. That's how you build your brand, that's how you build your business because people want a piece of that. When people are losing faith, when people don't have hope, when people are worried, when people don't think they've got that juice and they see it in somebody else, they will borrow yours. They will borrow your juice until they get there.

When my clients are down on themselves and don't think they got the juice, they can borrow my juice, because I'm going to give it to them, I'm going to remind them of who they are. We all need to be reminded of our badassery. You've got to come out here and bring that juice and when you don't feel it, you need to go borrow somebody else's and go on and move on, that's how we've got to go.

Remember, bragging is GOOD for business, and you can come back to this blog anytime for my top 4 tips on how to implement a little brag into your personal brand. I want you to be out there and I want you to be humble, yes, but modest? NO. I want to hear all the wins and all the juice that you are creating out there in the world. PERIOD.